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Stone Neutral Touch Fastening Corkbed Baby Sandals (0-24mths)
Neutral Pram Clogs (0-2mths)
Tan Brown Standard Fit (F) Smart Leather Brogue Shoes
£28 - £30
White Baby Leather T-Bar Shoes (0-24mths)
Baker by Ted Baker Boys Branded Tape Trainers
Tan Brown Standard Fit (F) Leather Penny Loafers with Touch and Close Fastening
£26 - £30
Black Snaffle Baby Shoes (0-24mths)
Navy Blue Standard Fit (F) Suede Slip-Ons Loafers Shoes
Navy Blue Baby Moccasin Shoes (0-24mths)
Tan Brown Brogue Smart Leather Lace-Up Shoes
£24 - £28
Navy Standard Fit (F) Leather Penny Loafers with Touch and Close Fastening
Navy Blue Leather Boat Shoes
£28 - £32